Women For Women - Nonprofits We Should Help
The world is full of amazing opportunities to help others.…
Austin, Texas Is As Good As It Gets
I went to Austin last weekend for work and I really, really liked…
Tips For Better Interior Photography - Straightening and Aligning Lines
If you want to take good interior photography, you need to master…
Snooping On Etsy - Wallpaper For The Nursery
As you might know, I have been working on my kids’ bedroom…
Cemetery Of Punta Arenas, Chile.
As I mentioned in this post, I was in Chile last week. I…
A Week In Chile - Santiago and Concepción
I am in Chile this week visiting my dad that is sick. I am…
Photos Of Playa Carrillo, Costa Rica
When we went to Costa Rica last January we stayed in two…
That Flower Arrangement Workshop
As I mentioned before in this post, I decided to start doing…