Women For Women - Nonprofits We Should Help

The world is full of amazing  opportunities to help others.…

Austin, Texas Is As Good As It Gets

I went to Austin last weekend for work and I really, really liked…

Tips For Better Interior Photography - Straightening and Aligning Lines

If you want to take good interior photography, you need to master…

Snooping On Etsy - Wallpaper For The Nursery

As you might know, I have been working on my kids’ bedroom…

Cemetery Of Punta Arenas, Chile.

As I mentioned in this post, I was in Chile last week. I…

A Week In Chile - Santiago and Concepción

I am in Chile this week visiting my dad that is sick. I am…

Life Lately, March 2016

We went skiing to Big Bear back in January. It was the first…

Photos Of Playa Carrillo, Costa Rica

When we went to Costa Rica last January we stayed in two…

That Flower Arrangement Workshop

As I mentioned before in this post, I decided to start doing…